On Sun, Nov 30, 2003 at 12:27:40PM +0200, Oded Arbel wrote:
> ביום ראשון 30 נובמבר 2003, 11:45, נכתב על ידי Tzafrir Cohen:
> > A second approach claims that the software should detect the user's
> > input and if the user in in right-to-left mode translate the parens
> > reversed. Currently this is only implemented by QT (>= 3.1).
> Horribly. In Qt 3.1 if you type a hebrew paragraph and then an open paren and 
> then try to type a latin char, the paren chracter changes direction. this is 
> very confusing and anoying. Qt 3.2 fortunatly does a much better job.

Does QT 3.2 actively do anything if you have XFree 4.3?

> IIUC, X currently (4.3) generates 'open paren' and 'close paren' and its up to 
> the toolkit to generate the correct glyph according to the paragraph 
> direction. this is ok until you need to store text and render stored text, 
> where the characters are 'right paren' and 'left paren'.

Small correction: X has always generated "open paren" and "close paren"
chars. This is the meaning of those chars (though the X windows name does
not reflect it.

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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