On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 05:55:17PM +0000, Shlomi Loubaton wrote:
> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 11:03:19AM +0200, Avrahami David wrote:
> > > Hi ,
> > > During RPM installation I need to get some parameters from user.
> > > I tried to add "read" command in SPEC file ( in %post tag ),
> > > but during installation program doesn't wait for user input.
> > > What should I do in order to transfer parameters during RPM installation
> > > ? Please help.
> >
> > In rpm you should generally avoind any terminal input in the pre and
> > post scripts. This prevents automation.
> >
> > Why exactly do you need user input?
> There are many Debian packages that require user input, so the option to ask 
> the user questions is useful and you can see how useful it is if you're a 
> Debian user/developer. However, all packages that require user input can be 
> forced to use the defaults by applying some flags to apt.
> I don't know if such option exist in RPMs but i think it should.

Not quite.

In Debian there is a mechanism called "debconf" (which is also the name
if the DEBian CONFerences, but that's a different matter) for DEBian
CONFiguration. Each package carries its own configuration and can be
configured at install-time.

However each package should provide sane defaults. The system
administrator may set-up debconf not to require any input and to rely on
the packages' defaults alone. Packages can be reconfigured later
('dpkg-reconfigure <pkg>')

As people here mentioned, rpm does not have such an option.

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+
http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir/ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
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