Ira Abramov wrote:

Quoting Nadav Har'El, from the post of Wed, 17 Mar:

Recently it was announced that the algorithm for determining the date of
Yom Haaztmaut (as well as Yom Hazicaron and Yom Hashoa) will be changed
this year, making all known Hebrew calendar software produce "wrong" results.

what?! where?! are they moving it to a "civilian" date or fixed-day-of-the-week a-la the US conventions? makes sense for something like Thanksgiving, but moving Independance day around is odd, since the exact date has significance...

Memorial day falling on Sunday makes it hard on families of the soldiers
to get to the saturday-evening ceremonies on time.
This is going to happen another three times over the next decade, as far
as I heard.
In any case - this has nothing to do with timezones.

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