ביום חמישי 18 מרץ 2004, 11:25, נכתב על ידי Yonah Russ:
> > I understand this completly (I've been through this myself when I
> > admin'ed at HUJI CS), and you are certainly right with your concernes.
> > I just think you are looking at the wrong direction.
> > Existing tools will help you do a "pull" protocol (cron+ftp, for
> > instance, BTW - NTP is a "pull" protocol too). If you'll get down to
> > write a "push" protocol (a mistake, IMHO, since clients go up and down
> > all the time and the server won't be able to track them all) then
> > you'll have to write your own protocol, and by then I don't see
> > the advantage of piggy-backing on NTP of all things.
> >
> > Look at this in another way - just like you setup NTP clients on all
> > the machines you are responsible for, setup another procedure to pull
> > the timezone file.
> Ok- mercy- I give up ntp. The point I was trying to make is that we all
> should get together and do it the same way. Let's try to make the script
> to run these updates part of standard distributions, part of the same
> rpm that distributes the TZ files in the first place maybe. Let it add a
> couple cronjobs/year which check: am I set to Israeli time, if yes-
> update zicfile, if no- exit.
> why shouldn't this be transparent to linux users?

You'll have major problems with that, especially the part where you assume 
that everyone is connected to the internet all the time.

The fact is that I don't find it necessary at all - just keep your glibc up to 
date and you always have the relevant timezone files. I've used RedHat, 
Mandrake and SuSE and after the first time DST automaticly kicked in I didn't 
think more of it.
I don't think its an exageration to expect linux workstations to update their 
glibc at least once a year - and that as transparent as you can get: look at 
windows users - they do it all the time.


16. don't do that, it'll crash the sys........ SHIT
        --Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

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