On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 16:59:36 +0200, Ira Abramov wrote:
> must be because you are used to running "Operating" systems as
> administrator 

No I'm not. 

> sorry, 

No you're not, not really. You feel I'm attacking your favourite OS
(I'm not), but instead of replying on technical grounds, you're
attacking me personally...

> you started with the uninteligent sarcasm first...

1. I wasn't being sarcastic, I was ranting. There's a big difference -
check a dictionary.
2. I don't know you Ira, and I don't think you know me. Who are you to
say I'm unintelligent? You know nothing about me, or what I know. Oh,
and BTW, it's spelled "unintelligent", not "uninteligent". I refer you
to one of them new-fangled dictionary things again...

> if you want a script that does it in 4-5 lines, with bash and awk, let
> me know.

I already did it maunally. If you want, I can write a Perl script that
does it in 1 line. Let me know if you want it.

> now if you can please stop this silly thread, it's taking up brain
> bandwidth, and gaining you disrespect.

You're free to stop reading at any time. As for "gaining disrespect",
based on your abusive, overbearing and arrogant reply, I'm not sure I
want your respect.

Offer Kaye

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