On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 12:56:28PM +0300, Omer Zak wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 11:51 +0300, avraham wrote:
> > In all these cases I had to retype the line. Apparenly there were
> > some unprintable characters that did not agree with LaTeX.
> > 1-I was not able to detect these characters with :set list in
> > vim. I tried "cat -A of the commented-out lines, but as these
> > were Hebrew text, the output was not really helpful.
> > Any clever suggestion ?
> Write a script (maybe in Perl or Python) which looks for those
> characters, and substitutes them into some printable representation.
> If you need help, and give me an example, I can write for you such a
> script.
> > 2-In the dvi file I could see a number of cases where numbers or
> > parantheses had come out the wrong way around (not always, mind
> > you, that would have been easy to correct). The problem is to
> > spot these in the source file, when these occur in the middle of
> > the Hebrew text.
> I think that you can use an heuristic to fix the parentheses, assuming
> that there are never nested parentheses:
> Count both opening and closing parentheses.  Odd-numbered (starting the
> count from 1) parentheses are opening ones.  Even-numbered ones are
> closing ones.
> You still will need some heuristic to deal with text which has open
> parenthesis but not closing parenthesis, if there are such cases in your
> documents.
> About numbers, maybe you can assume that no number in a recipe can start
> with 0.  Again, this assumes some script work.
>                                               --- Omer
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Thanks for the kind and generous (with your time) offer.
1-I know neither perl nor python, but I'll try to implement your
idea with the tools I know (scripting with sed and/or tr, using
special keyboard for the terminal etc.)
If I fail AND I come across a similar problem, but requiring much
more work for the brute-force approach than the present case, I
might remind you your offer, or, maybe, get enough motivation to
learn elements of perl/python, just like I got the motivation to
learn LaTeX.
2-I did things similar to what you are suggesting (searched for
)..*( strings, for example. It was easy to recognize the cases
of incorrect parantheses vs end of one paranthesys pair + the
beginning of the next).
>From yours and Tzafrir's answer I undestand that not being able
to find a way to use Hebrew on vim's command-line is not just due
to my ignorance...
Thanks again, Avraham

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