Don't they teach you to wrap your lines in NDS?

El-al, Netta wrote:

> i agree. shlomi's actually trying to change something that's wrong with our 
> legal/political system (like the protesters) and not just sitting at home 
> crying about the fate of humanity.

There is a variety of change a person can cause a change. Breaking the
law is not one of them.

> and i think the main point here is: the laws need to be changed to reflect 
> reality - if so many people are doing it, then probably there's something 
> wrong with the law, not with sooooo many ppl.

Wrong. People are doing it because it's easy. Just like it's easy for
a 13 year old to deface a website using an exploit he can download
from packetstorm, it's easy for a 13 year old to type a song and
download it to his computer. Both things are *very* easy, both things
are still illegal.

Many people are also avoiding taxes or not follow traffic rules. Do
you think we need to change our laws to fit what is comfortable to
most people?

> and the only way companies can try to fight this phenomenon is by using 
> technology (e.g. - encrypted music that can be decrypted using cheap special 
> sound cards so that music could only be copied in an analogue way and then 
> the quality sux), and not by trying to turn 1/5 of the population into 
> criminals (which they probably already are due to other laws that ignore 
> reality).

Although we had the 12 year old case, usually the DMCA is trying to
put behind bars the people who mass-distribute.

> and just like "the people who block our roads in the morning protesting" (i, 
> being one of them), 

You are disturbing the public, causing more problems. I hope you will
not only be forced to leave the Gaza strip, but also be fined and/or
put behind bars for the crimes you're commiting. In a state with true
law enforcement you'd be in jail for a long time now.

If I didn't care about what happens (you are forced to leave or not),
now I *really* hope you will - simply because you take out your
aggressions on *me* and wasting *my* time.

> there are ppl who realize that even if the government wants things a certain 
> way for this or that reason, it doesn't mean that it should be accepted. and 
> since the long legal process is not exactly available to normal individuals 
> who don't have endless amounts of time and patience on their hands, sometimes 
> one must fight the law in other ways until it is corrected.

And there are people, like you, who don't realize that sometimes you
can't have everything you want in life, and need to understand that
you may be acting in a very egoistic way to begin with.

You want to live in Gaza? Fine - but don't take our soldiers there,
don't use our electricity, phone lines, or any other service. In
Gaza the majority of people are not Jewish - and if "soooo many
people" who are not living there are not Jewish, maybe the people
who are Jewish and live there wrong? To put it in your clever words.

> p.s. - elad, try not to give political analogies in this list because u just 
> end up pissing ppl off and causing flame wars. 

Don't block our roads. You're pissing off an entire country.

> and in case u were wondering, the road blocking is not done in order to 
> inconvenience citizens, it is done in order to cause the police/army to 
> realize that they won't have enough forces to banish families from their 
> homes because they'd need those forces to handle the civil revolt that would 
> take place.

The road blocking is illegal, and as I already said, in a country
with well enforced laws, you'd not only be in jail, but you'd be
staying there for quite a while.

Your chaotic prophecies make no impression on no one. If people
cared enough about your 4-families-surrounded-by-4000-arabs
settlements, there would not be there 4 families. There will be
no revolt - there may be some extremeists like you, who will be
put in jail until they learn that in democracy, the government
is chosen by the majority, and if it decides on a law that says
a certain part of the land will be evacuated, then it *will*.

Who did you vote for?


Elad Efrat
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