Hi all,

Many many years ago, I subscribed to this fine flame pool, sorry, mailing list. I was still young at the time, and did not have the habit of running my own email servers etc. As such, I used my work email address to subscribe to this list.

Some years have passed, and I left my work place. I used my own email server to subscribe to the list from, and am happily (and sometimes less happily) a member of this community.

Today, by a sequence of coincidences which I would rather not go into, I found out a disturbing piece of news. For over four and a half years now, the IGLU mailing list has been faithfully sending each and every email to my old work place address. That's right, a copy of each and every question, hate mail, flame and smart alec piece of advice has been sent to an email address that dutifully bounced it right back. In over four and a half years, that is over three thousands bits of useless email, each followed by a useless bounce.

Because despite having each and every email bounce, the mailing list software for Linux-IL did NOTHING. Not unsubscribe the old address, not notify the admin. Nothing. Well, this email address now belongs to someone, and I'm trying to get this someone unsubscribed. I am wondering, however, how many other dead email addresses of this kind are there. Our community might be smaller than we think.

A while back I suggested we upgrade the mailing list software the runs Linux-il. Then it was due to the annoying "request confirmation" header that the current software couldn't be told to remove. I'm now wondering whether I should re-offer this service.

In the mean while, please unsubscribe sun kruchit gtek dot co nekuda il from this list.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.

To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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