On Friday 08 July 2005 13:00, Matan Ziv-Av wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> > 3 - I did alot of experimenting (including connecting to different USB
> > plug both with and without a hub). For some reason, out of abot 20
> > experiments I did in the past hour, most of the timed out on the Palm,
> > but in 2 cases I got a dta error message from pilot-xfer. And more
> > interesting - In 2 cases, pilot-xfer ACTUALLY WORKED. But I haven't been
> > able to see any reason why on those 2 tries pilot-xfer DID talk to the
> > Palm.
> In my experience - pilot-xfer rarely works, as you found out, but kpilot
> works always (when /dev/pilot is created).
> This is with kernel 2.6 (FC2,3,4). With kernel 2.4.23 which I used
> before installing Fedora, the TE worked flawlessly.

I saw this message after sending the results of my experiments and I must say 
that now I'm completely confused. Of course, I can't argue with your 
experience, but 

1 - I've used pilot-xfer for over 4 years with no problems (on my Palm 3C). Of 
course that's a serial connection and not USB. Did you mean to say that the 
problem occurs with USB?

2 - Since I'm quite sure that Kpilot uses pilot-xfer services, why woul Kpilot 
work whaen pilot-xfer doesn't?

3 - I GOOGLED and found no significant amount of complaints about pilot-xfer 
with a USB ZIRE72. In fact, I found many claims that it works :-)

4 - I tried what you suggested (Kpilot) and it worked only once out of about 
10 attempts. The autodetect wizard did not find the Palm and I had to 
manually configure for /dev/pilot. Without going into all the details, while 
trying Kpilot I kept a terminal window open to see what was running and I 
found that I'm back to the problem I had earlier with multiple ttyUSB* 
devices. Also, /dev/pilot wich should point to ttyUSB1 sometimes points at 

5 - Even if Kpilot did work, it's not what I need. I don't want a GUI solution 
because I have severaal scripts I've written over the years to use pilot-xfer 
for various tasks - backup, program installation, etc. A GUI won't do what I 
need. Fir instance, I've set up rotating backups of my valuable data so that 
the backup script can save different versions on disc or CD and provide me 
with a log of which backups were done when, etc.


Shlomo Solomon
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