On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, guy keren wrote:

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Peter wrote:

you answered a lot of people about their brick answers, excepting mine.
Is that a sign of approval ? ;-)

it means that i had to investigate this further, and at first (due to
incorrect usage of a pounds <=> g translation web site) i thought the
current bricks were too heavy - now i realize they are not.



has what you need. NIC, sound, PS/2, video on board, MMC/100% linux
compatible, metal case (durable), multiple sources (if they go out of
business you will not be left on the dry).

the 'multiple' sources seem to be made of about 2 stores.
the openbrick.org web site was last updated on 2003, so i dismissed it at
first, until i went to the stores.

Clicking on 'buy' takes you to, among others:


whose E-box seems to be what you need, at 150EUR, although a little
larger than what you want.

the other store mentioned on openbrick (forgot its name) had these E-Boxes
for a heaftier price. i see they have CPUs running at something between
533MHz - 800MHz - i'll need to find a way to see if they are able to run
modern applications (such as open-office 2) without crawling too much.

FYI I run OO 2.x on 533 MHz Pentium and it's ok (excepting startup which is slow). It's kde you will have to give up on. I use fvwm.

Computers in micro ITX format in a box almost
exactly like the one shown in the openbrick.org site photo were on sale
a few years ago in Tel Aviv, through specialty computer shops. The price
was not ok (2+ x the price shown on the sites above)

i saw mini-itx before, but it looks like i can easily buy hardware and
build it on my own - but the cases sold are a bit too large, at least for
the machines that come pre-built.

The reason is they have built in power supplies and cdroms. You do not need that. Use an external laptop psu and a laptop drive and it will be small.

The second link I sent has a lot of case ideas ;-) Anything from aquarium to nintendo.

Search google with the key 'micro itx brick' and see what you find. And
maybe share it ? These have a following so: http://www.mini-itx.com/
could begood start for reviews etc.

it's "mini-itx", not "micro-itx". i wish there was a "micro-itx" ;)

micro-itx=120x120mm (smaller than mini-itx)

good luck,

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