Quoting Uri Even-Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The same problem is with FireFox - it doesn't come with Windows, you
> have to install it. 
I know of quite a few people who switched to FireFox but wouldn't switch from
MS-Office to OpenOffice.

> I also tried Open Office and went back to MS Office.  It's just not as
> easy to use, and not compatible with the rest of the world...
> Compatibility is a big issue. 

Compatibilty with the clients' documents is a one of the major issues. For
people who are painfully aware of compatibility problems between different
versions of MS-Word, OpenOffice may not seem very attractive. This isn't just a
matter of cost, it's also a matter of the time spent to give it a proper test.

> At the end of the day we're communicating
> with people, not with computers.  And don't tell me Open Office is
> compatible with MS Office - it isn't.  At least not 100% compatible.  I
> checked.
> Uri.
> Phone: +972-9-7715013
> Website: www.uri.co.il
> --------------------------------------------------------

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