On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Uri Even-Chen wrote:

> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
>> Paraphrasing on that:
>> When I upgraded from MS-Word to OOo I also had some problems of
>> incompatibility.  Some old documents looked differently with OOo.  But once 
>> you upgrade a document, you don't use it with the old MS-Office version. 
>> So you need to upgrade each document only once.  And
>> the changes are minor (mainly in Hebrew documents).
> It seems as you never have to communicate with people who are not
> computer geeks.  You know there are people who don't use OO out there.
> If you send them an OO document, they will try to open it with (god
> forbid) MS office!  And if it doesn't work for them, you will have to
> send it by fax!  And they will have to type it all over again! (that is,
> if they have to make changes).

Knowing that OO can send RTF and plain text and other formats, such as 
html, WHY would you want to send a Word format document to someone whose 
Word version you do not know, since you are a computer geek and aware of 
potential problems ? I mean, I would understand if you would only have 
a 'recent' version of O, and not be a computer geek. Then, you would 
have no choice, but would be sure to do 'the right thing'. No ? After 
all, you can always use the fax if it does not work out ...

But just in case you want to try out OO with rtf, see attached.


-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: APPLICATION/rtf
-- File: usr-table.rtf

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