Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
/me reminds Uri and Peter of an enlightened decision of some people in Massachusetts, that was already linked to in this thread.

Yes, there is such a standard: Sun has submitted OpenOffice 1's
document format to OASIS as a standard candidate. After some
ammendements it was recieved as a document format. It has already been
proven to be portable, as there are a number of independent
implementations (OpenOffice 2, KOffice, Abiword (currently only import,
hopefully soon also export), and hopefully soon also TextMaker).

And recently Massachusetts declared it to be the official documents
format for all govrement workers as of 2007. Which probably means
MS-Office will be forced to support it as well by then.

And what happens until 2007?  They will keep using "Word Document"
formats?  Why wait 2 years?

It's a free market. Then can either support the new standard and still
keep that client or not support it and force the every civil servant to
have OpenOffice (or a different conforming word processor) installed on
his/her desktop.

I agree.  It's good to have a standard.  But why only in Massachusetts?
And why only in government offices?  Why not include lawyers & business
offices too?  [lawyers use almost 100% MS Office formats.  Believe me, I

Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

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