On 10/10/05, Erez D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  as i do not like windows, but i need it for various resons
>  (ms office compatibility, sites that work only on explorer etc...)
>  i was wondering: is OS X the solution
>  e.g. : can it function as both linux (including all linux apps, shells,
> daemons etc ...)
>  and windows ( internet explorer, ms office etc ...)

IE for OSX is not being developed anymore. AFAIK current (last) version is 5.2.
MS Office doesn't include all of the components of MS Office for Win
(no Access, no  Outlook). Hebrew support in MS Office doesn't exist.
Not a quality replacement for Windows Office imho. However if you can
get along without hebrew support and without Access that will probably
be fine with you.

>  how is your impression ?
>  btw: can OS-X run on non mac hardware ?

At least not officially. Since Apple announced that they are moving to
Intel hardware a hacked version of OSX for Intel began floating
around. but I wouldn't convince anyone to count on that. Most likely
OSX for Intel will be tied to work on Apple-supplied hardware only.
Otherwise that would mean that Apple openly declares war on Microsoft
and begins fighting on Microsoft territory. I think (and hope) they
are sane enough not to do that.

Other impressions: Having GIMP alongside with Photoshop is nice.
Aqua GUI is consistent and appealing although somewhat slow eve on
latest Apple hardware.
Having Aqua alongside with X11 is nice too.
GCC apparently slower than on Intel. Compilations typically take
longer to complete than on comparable PC hardware running Linux.
OSX is a closed system unlike Linux or BSD. Recompiling mach kernel is
not out of reach, but absolutely not trivial. It doesn't come nowhere
near to make && make modules_install simplicity.
OSX UNIX is a BSD variant that may look quite unfamiliar to someone
who is accustomed to doing things Linux/Solaris way.
Directory structure is bastardized. No /etc/passwd, don't look for
/etc/fstab either.
you won't find /lib.
/usr/bin/updatedb is /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
*d programs started from either /System/Library/StartupItems/ or
In short there are myriads of things that are different.

My opinion?
All in all Apple builds their hardware like tanks. Heavy and reliable.
OS is polished and attractive.
Good machine for occasional command line user or a scientist who don't
need quality Hebrew support.
Cool second machine for Linux/BSD geek at home.

Warm regards,
Michael Green

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