Shachar Shemesh wrote:
Care to explain what it is? Don't forget that if translating (or any
other type of NLP) consisted merely of getting a list of words and their
meaning, the problem would have been long ago solved.

I think I already explained it.  I'm copying what I wrote yesterday:

I want to consider using existing databases, which are free to use, such
as your Hspell project or Wikipedia - to feed initial data into the
system.  The main goal is to have (for each pair of languages) a list of
translations of words, phrases and maybe even sentences.  Then, the
algorithm will just do "search and replace" - for every word, phrase or
sentence it will replace it with its equivalent in the target languages.
I think it's quite a simple algorithm to start with.  And then it will
be improved in the future.  (Even Linux was not written in one day!).

Look at my E-mail from yesterday for more details.

I have heared of some cases where interesting results were achieved
using the neural network approach - teach the engine by letting it look
at translations done by others. Having learned some neural network, the
whole art is in choosing the correct learning network. A friend of mine
once referred to the entire field as "Artificial Stupidity". You set up
a computer program, you tell it, with precise details, what it needs to
do. You set it out to do it. It does it. You cry out in wonder "look, it
learns all by itself!"

I worked with artificial neural networks in the past and I think the
approach of "Artificial Stupidity" is wrong.  Neural networks do work in
some cases.  The idea (in a nutshell) is that they can generalize, and
you don't teach them how to generalize.  You just feed them with data,
"train" them and they generalize by themselves.

On the other hand, neural networks are not really intelligent.  You
can't teach them to play chess, for example.  They are not suitable for

If you're interested in what I did with neural networks - I used them to
compose music.  If you want to see more details, look at "Speedy

Best Regards,

Uri Even-Chen
Speedy Net
Raanana, Israel.

Phone: +972-9-7715013

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