Hi Shachar,

I'm sorry, Uri, but when raising such serious allegations, i.e. that you
were banned based on the fact that you tried to correct incorrect

There is no absolute "incorrect information".  There are opinions.  I
tried to change something that was wrong in my opinion, and it was
reverted.  I changed it again and I was banned.  I don't have a problem
with my change being reverted, but I do have a problem when I was
banned.  Some people have the right to ban other people in Wikipedia,
and some don't.  Which means, not everybody is equal.

In Wikipedia, like in any other system or society, some people have more
power than others.  Sometimes these people abuse their power.  It
happens in Wikipedia and it happens in the police, army or any system
where people have power.  But in Wikipedia there is nowhere to complain.
Nobody will do anything to people who abuse their power.  So
eventually, I think Wikipedia is corrupt.

If I didn't convince you that Wikipedia is corrupt, it's OK.  Some
people just don't get it.  Even most people.  It depends on the way you
perceive life, justice, relationships between people etc.


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