On 4/24/06, Arik Baratz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/24/06, Yonah Russ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Google is a bunch of Anti-Semites. You can read the details on my blog:
> >
> > http://www.yonahruss.com/2006/04/google-supports-terrorism.html
> I do believe, Yonah, that you might be jumping to conclusions here. In
> fact, I think what you have written above is calumniatory, defamatory,
> denigratory, libellous and slanderous. Had I been Google I would have
> sued you for that.

It's a good thing you aren't Google ;)

> > I suggest everyone write an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > complaining about this injustice.
> > Here is a sample email for your use:
> > -----------------------------------------
> > To whom it may concern,
> To Google Analytics Support
> > It has been brought to my attention that Google, much like Hamas,
> > refuses to recognize the Sovereign State of Israel. I find this deeply
> > disturbing, especially in light of the fact that countries like Iran,
> > Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea (the likes of which threaten the
> > existence millions on a daily basis) are listed in your Analytics
> > service without prejudice
> This is a demagogic statement, meant to illogicaly tie Google to the
> Hammas. You took one fact - that Israel's time zone is missing - and
> built a mountain of logically inconguant statements that cannot be
> proven or even strongly tied to the original fact.

This is not meant to tie Google to the Hammas- it's meant to say that
not including Israel in the list of Countries (yes the name of the
field is "timezone, country, or territory" so I guess Israel doesn't
even merit a timezone or a territory when placed next to the PA) is a
gross oversight to the point of being insulting.

Even more than that- since several people have informed me that in the
not-to-distant past, when they signed up for analytics, Israel was
included, I must believe that Israel was removed from the list on
purpose. Which makes it alot harder to believe that this was an
oversight as opposed to a policy decision.

> You completely
> ignore mitigating factors - like the existence of google.co.il, of
> news.google.co.il, the Hebrew interface language and the Hebrew
> language translation project, and the fact that they have an office in
> Israel and hiring Israelis. Oh, don't let reality get in your way to
> righteousness.

I don't ignore them. They just don't make a difference to me. The fact
that Israel is not on the list while "palestinian territory" is
insults me regardless of the fact that there is a google.co.il which I
never use or the fact that google is willing to hire Israelis when it
suits them and insult them when it suits them. If I worked for google
in Israel, I would likely have quit after seeing this.

> > Please correct this immediately and may I suggest that a public
> > apology to Israel and the Jewish people would be appropriate.
> That's rich, considering you send your email messages from GMail (yes
> I checked the headers) and use their Analytics service.

Actually I don't use their analytics service- I do use GMail, and even
Blogger to publish my blog. As I wrote in the "sample email" I will
wait for a response before I choose to boycott services other than

> > If this goes uncorrected, I'm afraid I will have to boycott Google's 
> > services.
> Were I Google I would have closed all your accounts after that email.
> But I think that they will follow Hanlon's Razor [1], which you should
> have followed when you discovered that missing timezone:
> - Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity.

If it was a mistake, then I'm sure google will make a public apology.
Unfortunately, I doubt it was a mistake.


> -- Arik
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_Razor

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