On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 15:10 +0300, Oded Arbel wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 12:23 +0300, Gilboa Davara wrote:
> > > I can see plenty of reasons to change RHEL to Fedora - only one of them
> > > is the fact that RHEL uses outdated software.
> > 
> > Here's the main problem.
> > Repeat after me:
> > Fedora is not RedHat.
> (silently ignoring this as everyone knows RHEL is based on Fedora ;-)

I'm not saying that it's impossible. I am saying that RHEL and FC has no
reason to support it, given the huge array of problems it may raise.
Too many packages get replace between releases; Too many packages are
only present in one distribution, or worse, are not supported -by
design- in one of the distribution.

E.g. Lets say you upgrade an FC5 machine to RHEL5; what is RHEL5
supposed to do with the Beagle/Mono tool chain?

> > You can always download the SRPM, unpack it, change it name and obsolete
> > lines and rebuild it.
> > This -should- solve the problem.
> Except it doesn't - that was the first route I tried: welcome back
> dependency hell. To build what I want, I need newer versions of OpenSSL
> among other things, and you can't have OpenSSL 0.9.7g and 0.9.7a
> installed at the same time - unlike any other distro (I feel like I'm
> repeating myself).

I doubt that -any- packaging system, be that RPM, Apt or even emerge
support multiple package versions. (RPM actually does support bitarch
packages... but that's something completely different).

How about building the required tool chain in /usr/local and/or opt?


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