Yonah Russ wrote:
On 3/2/07, *Peter* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    You are of course assuming that the laws are perfect and consistent, and
    constant. The laws are made by a few people who think that they are in a
    position to judge for many, and who strongly believe that they can
foretell what the others will or might do in a given situation.

I don't think so at all- I just think that the laws in a democracy are usually reasonably in line with the majority of the constituents. The laws are made by people chosen to make laws. The citizens in this country chose those people to make those decisions.

I don't think almost any government is perfect- just hopefully a lesser evil.

there is a democratic way of effecting the legislation process - public opinion (via demonstrations, via the press, via the awfull lobbing, etc).

so, if "enough" people tell their government that they are against this law - it might change. see, for example, what happened with the new copyright law discussions in some knesset comity - people came to participate, and had a chance to influence the new law.


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