Yonah Russ wrote:
> Since the law is targeted at people under the age of eighteen, I
> assume the commission will ask the question: Would I choose to show
> that to a 17 year old?
I am assuming you are right, which is exactly the reason I'm so worried.
This is, precisely, the wrong question to ask in a democratic country.

The right question is "Even assuming the majority thinks that minors
shouldn't be able to access pornography, should we impose this
restriction on the minority of the parents who does?" There is only one
answer here that a legislator can give that will keep the country
democratic, and that is a resonating "no".
> As parents we make these decisions all the time and again it comes
> back to my original question- who actually wants their children to be
> looking at pornography?
I could have sworn I answered that already. Please do acknowledge that
"minors should not have access to pornography" is very far from being an
uncontested statement.
>   You are right to assume that I would rather stricter rules but I'll
> be happy with any rules.
What's wrong with the current rule, which says "child pornography is
illegal"? What's wrong with that one?
> (On a Comedic note, there is a great Bill Cosby routine about
> pornography- he says "I don't understand people who watch 
> pornography- when I'm hungry, I don't go to a restaurant and watch
> people eat a steak")
This is not about watching pornography or not. I am not a pornography
consumer myself. This is about the FREEDOM to watch pornography without
identifying yourself to the government. If we don't fight for the
freedoms we do not, ourself, use, others won't be there to help us fight
for the ones we do.
> Purim Sameach
> -Yonah

Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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