On 3/3/07, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Peleg Wasserman wrote:

> The law was passed by 25 members of parliament, most of which come from
> religious factions. These people do not represent the majority of the
> people.

No, they represent a fraction of the ruling coalition, which has passed
hairier laws in the past, using the well-known quid pro quo arrangements
with other coalition members from other parties. In this country the
words 'don't worry only a few MKs voted for it' is a set of 'famous last
words' because often such laws pass anyway due to the 'arrangements'
between the coalition parties. Give me a stricter shabbat law and I'll
give you some money for the kibbutzim, or vice versa. You know how it

And before it becomes law it will be discussed and passed or vetoed by more
and more members of knesset. The law of averages applies even in the quid
pro quo dealings of political parties. On the average the laws passed will
be reasonable and will represent the will of the majority even if that means
that those opposing a "stricter shabbat law" thought it was worth passing if
they could get "money for kibbutzim". That is also part of the game.

Second, while I do not agree with the way they decide speed limits (and
> I do enforce them every day), I see why a commission of experts can
> decide on speed limits based on empirical evidence, on the other hand I
> can see a lot of problems with a commission deciding on moral values,
> and porn after all is a moral value. The views of a Rabbi are totally
*whose* moral value is porn ? How do you define porn ? Pictures
depicting nudity ? Pictures depicting more than one nude person ?
Pictures depicting reproductive acts ? How do you know they are not
simulating ? (in most cases porn artists are simulating).

Since the law is targeted at people under the age of eighteen, I assume the
commission will ask the question: Would I choose to show that to a 17 year
old?  As parents we make these decisions all the time and again it comes
back to my original question- who actually wants their children to be
looking at pornography? If there aren't legal definitions already, they'll
be made- I'm sure that they won't as "bad" as you suggest.  You are right to
assume that I would rather stricter rules but I'll be happy with any rules.

(On a Comedic note, there is a great Bill Cosby routine about pornography-
he says "I don't understand people who watch  pornography- when I'm hungry,
I don't go to a restaurant and watch people eat a steak")

Purim Sameach

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