Nadav Har'El wrote:
> While I agree with you philosphically (all software should be free, etc.),
> to be fair, there's a different way to look at what TrollTech, MySQL, and
> others, are doing.
I want to stress something further, in case it wasn't clear enough in my
previous response.

I see nothing wrong in getting paid to provide different license code
for which you are the owner. I have been asked to relicense free
software I wrote, and I always gave a price quote. I also always made
sure the price quote was high. I also made it clear that they can get
the exact same code for free, and I would love to support that code for
them. I even made sure that the price quote for an hour of support is
less for the free version than for the proprietary version (i.e. - the
one after relicensing).

This has less to do with ideology, and more to do with simple economic
reasoning. If I sell a proprietary license, I am effectively nullifying
the advantages of the copyleft code. As such, I need to get paid for the
work invested into the free code. In other words, I charge the amount it
would have cost the client to get me to implement the free version from
scratch, not the amount a single license costs.

The same reasoning goes for the support. You buy my time to add a
feature. If I add it to the free version, then that feature enhances the
existing code and I benefit from it too, which means my charge is lower.

I'm saying all of this just to point out that I have done relicensing
for a pay (or, more precisely, offered to do) myself. That is not the
part that angers me about MySQL AB. What I don't like about it is the


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