I also spent alot of time on this issue... there are alot of solutions,
but I think I finally found the best one.  Make a CSS class like this
for your object:

div.transback {

          background: url('opac/black3.png'); /* and now for IE only
stuff */

        _background-image: none;

of course, you'll need to specify the png files here too... i guess
instead of <div class="transback"> you could do <div style="background:
..; _background-image: ..."> etc instead.  Most browsers will use the
'background' atttribute and of course can render PNG files directory. 
Explorer reads _attributes (attribute names with a _ before them), in
reality I think it's probably meant to ignore it like most other
browsers, but it's a good way to put stuff for explorer only in CSS.

there are alot of other broken things in explorer which need work
arounds... can't remember what this was for but maybe you'll need it too:

body {

    overflow: hidden; /* fix/hack for position:fixed in IE */


i think it was related... vaguely recall something about scrolling
properly with transparent backgrounds, but can't remember exactly.

just wait till you have to debug javascript in IE, that's the real fun
part... something that works fine on every other browser fails
wordlessly in IE... and if you install their debugger, it gives you a
column and line number which has nothing to do with anything :)


P.S. IE should displays GIF with transparency no problem.  I'm assuming
you meant PNG's with opacity settings, there are other ways to make
entire opaque images transparent all at once, but I've never used it.

Amos Shapira wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm looking for a way to make IE 5.0/5.5/6 display a transparent
> background on a web page.
> Sample that works on Firefox: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2chzba
> <http://preview.tinyurl.com/2chzba>
> I tried all sorts of fixes I found on the net but none of them works
> with IE.
> Does anyone here have experience with solving this problem?
> I know IE sucks but it's a business web site that needs to reach the
> widest audience possible.
> Thanks,
> --Amos

Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.wastelands.net
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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