>From my experience with those CSS stuff, it can cause a situation in
which the text on the transparent image cannot be selected, and links
on the transparent image don't work. To solve that problem, if you're
making a transparent background that contains only one color, and that
repeats itself, you must make the background tile height not more than
1 pixel.

I also think that this CSS code won't apply to FF (as
far as I recall), and so you'll might have to check which browser is
used by the client, and if it's FF, you'll only need to load the image
(without any extra code).
Ori. (^-^)

----- Original Message ----
From: Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il
Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:10:30 AM
Subject: Re: [OT/2] Making IE display PNG (or GIF?) with transparency

On 04/08/07, Gadi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I also spent alot of
time on this issue... there are alot of solutions, but I think I
finally found the best one.  Make a CSS class like this for your object:

div.transback {

url('opac/black3.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */

_background-image: none;



Thanks. At last it works!
I added the lines above to the style for the main paragraph, like this:
#main {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px 40px 20px 40px;

border:solid 1px #555;
background: url('75p_white.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */
_background-image: none;


And now I get the transparent background through IE 6. Unfortunately it doesn't 
seem to work for IE under Linux (using Ies4Linux) so I'm stuck with testing IE 
6 on my wife's Windows XP.

of course, you'll need
to specify the png files here too... i guess instead of <div
class="transback"> you could do <div style="background: ...;
_background-image: ..."> etc instead.  Most browsers will use the
'background' atttribute and of course can render PNG files directory. 
Explorer reads _attributes (attribute names with a _ before them), in
reality I think it's probably meant to ignore it like most other
browsers, but it's a good way to put stuff for explorer only in CSS.

there are alot of other
broken things in explorer which need work arounds... can't remember
what this was for but maybe you'll need it too:

body {

    overflow: hidden;
/* fix/hack for position:fixed in IE */


i think it was
related... vaguely recall something about scrolling properly with
transparent backgrounds, but can't remember exactly.

Thanks. At least currently with IE6, shrinking the window and scrolling the 
page seems to work perfectly. I'll keep that in mind.



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