Ariel Bar-David wrote:

> >From my experience with those CSS stuff, it can cause a situation in
> which the text on the transparent image cannot be selected, and links
> on the transparent image don't work. To solve that problem, if you're
> making a transparent background that contains only one color, and that
> repeats itself, you must make the background tile height not more than
> 1 pixel.
oh actually, I think that might have been the problem that the second
bit of code I provided fixed.  I remember having this problem and I
remember getting the buttons working without needing to resize the pic. 
you can see the site which used all this stuff at - all buttons work great :)  took me a
while though, was a very frustrating experience.
> I also think that this CSS code won't apply to FF (as
> far as I recall), and so you'll might have to check which browser is
> used by the client, and if it's FF, you'll only need to load the image
> (without any extra code).
That's exactly it, only IE will use stuff marked like _this in the CSS
code... so you don't have to have to do any checks for which browser is
being used.

> --
> Ori. (^-^)
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2007 3:10:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [OT/2] Making IE display PNG (or GIF?) with transparency
> On 04/08/07, Gadi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also spent alot of
> time on this issue... there are alot of solutions, but I think I
> finally found the best one.  Make a CSS class like this for your object:
> div.transback {
>           background:
> url('opac/black3.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */
> _background-image: none;
> _filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod='scale',src='opac/black3.png');
> }       
> Thanks. At last it works!
> I added the lines above to the style for the main paragraph, like this:
> #main {
> width:20%;
> margin: 0 auto;
> padding: 20px 40px 20px 40px;
> border:solid 1px #555;
> background: url('75p_white.png'); /* and now for IE only stuff */
> _background-image: none;
> _filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod='scale',src='75p_white.png');
> }
> And now I get the transparent background through IE 6. Unfortunately it 
> doesn't seem to work for IE under Linux (using Ies4Linux) so I'm stuck with 
> testing IE 6 on my wife's Windows XP.
> of course, you'll need
> to specify the png files here too... i guess instead of <div
> class="transback"> you could do <div style="background: ...;
> _background-image: ..."> etc instead.  Most browsers will use the
> 'background' atttribute and of course can render PNG files directory. 
> Explorer reads _attributes (attribute names with a _ before them), in
> reality I think it's probably meant to ignore it like most other
> browsers, but it's a good way to put stuff for explorer only in CSS.
> there are alot of other
> broken things in explorer which need work arounds... can't remember
> what this was for but maybe you'll need it too:
> body {
>     overflow: hidden;
> /* fix/hack for position:fixed in IE */
> }
> i think it was
> related... vaguely recall something about scrolling properly with
> transparent backgrounds, but can't remember exactly.
> Thanks. At least currently with IE6, shrinking the window and scrolling the 
> page seems to work perfectly. I'll keep that in mind.
> Cheers,
> --Amos
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Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast
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