On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 02:29:30PM +0300, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:

> According to a new report from Vuze (the creators of Azureues
> bittorrent client), there are many many ISP's who use the RST trick to
> slow down/halt bittorrent download. We all heard about Comcast, but it
> seems that here in our little country we have ISP's who are doing the
> same trick.

I use HOT and Netvision 256 k bits per second up, 5m bits per second

I run rtorrent under Linux. I often get speeds that are relatively slow,
but occasionaly I get combined bit torrent downloads which max out or
exceed the limits set by rtorrent, my Linux Kernel QOS routing, and the
claimed speed of my connection.

I also get similar speeds using MIRO which uses bittorrent to download
files running under Windows XP. 

I throttle my total rtorrent upload speed to 5k bytes per second, and
seperately the aggregate total of all windows bit torrent client uploads
to 5k.

I find that faster upload speeds do not often mean faster download speeds.

In fact, the single thing that I can find which limits bit torrent speeds
is connection latency, both to the tracker and the peers.

Last week I found that I had missed the new season of a very popular
program and downloaded a two hour special and two episodes at an 
total of over 500k bytes per second. :-) 

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM

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