On Fri, Jun 06, 2008, Shlomi Fish wrote about "Re: "Ubuntu is Dead" - Stay 
> > > 2. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-women/2008-June/001544.html -
> > > this is the introduction that I sent to the Ubuntu-Women mailing lists. I
> >
> > Er, Shlomi, your introduction to that mailing list was scary.
> > Remember, the girls have their own section because they don't want to
> > deal with us. 

Oh my god.

Shlomi, like the Hebrew joke on "noach in 7 errors", it seems you've made
every possible mistake in the same message. First, is your presumption that a
mailing list specificially called "ubuntu-women" will want a *man* to
subscribe. Second, the first thing you do on a list is offend some of the
things that its subscribers believe in (women liberation, affirmative
acction, linuxchix - at least I'm glad you used the phrase "feminist
pedanticness" rather than the disgusting term "feminazis"!)

Third, believe me, when you intruduce yourself as having a mental illness
(or philosophical mood, or whatever you call it) and "curly black hair which
expands radially" (?) and as someone who "got banned from LinuxChix" - this
can be understood as just one of two things - either your are creepy, or
you're trying to appear creepy (i.e., a troll). Neither of these things are
welcome on any mailing list, not just this one.

Fourth, you storm into a mailing list thinking that you're its saviour,
and know how to solve all its problems. This thinking isn't welcome on any
mailing list, and certainly not when you're a man on a woman's mailing list.

Fifth, you go into a mailing list with a specific technical goal, and
start talking about general issues like "Life vs. Death". That is bound
to annoy people.

If you had made just one of these mistakes, I am guessing you'd be forgiven.
But making them all at once???

> No. the Ubuntu-women mailing list is meant to promote Women in Linux. It's 
> not 
> Regardless of that, my unsubscription and then the IRC ping-pong and "I won't 
> take any responsibility" attitude and then closing the bug was not the proper 
> way to deal with this. See for example:

Shlomi, isn't it obvious to you that the way that Ubuntu's mailing lists and
IRC channels are run have almost *NOTHING* to do with the quality of the OS
they produce?

If Microsoft Windows's forum had been very friendly, would you switch to that
OS instead?

Nadav Har'El                        |        Sunday, Jun  8 2008, 5 Sivan 5768
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |I intend to live forever - so far, so
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |good.

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