No offense, but it seems you just had some bad experience with an op
on a channel.
from that to declaring a distribution as dead there is a long distance.
So someone misquoted you and thought you are sexist, big deal move on.
Not to mention check out how many channels gentoo has (and how
obsessed they are on staying
on topic). or debian or actually most community developed distributions I know.
I think the comment you got for your bug report was true and polite,
bugzilla is not a place
for community issues, there are forums mailing list and so on.

So calm down, take a deep breath, go for a round around the block :)
Then I'm sure you will find the right people to address, complain to
ubuntu ethics
about that person or just forgive and forget there are annoying people
in every community :)


On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 3:27 PM, Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As I wrote on:
> Ubuntu is dying as most of the bigwigs in its online community are infested
> with ego, ping-pong legitimate complaints to oblivion, and refuse to take
> responsibility for their own problems. The #ubunutu* channels suffer from
> fragmentation, over-specialisation, an obseesion with supposedly staying
> on-topic, and from ops who abuse their power. All of these are very
> unconventional on Freenode where they are hosted.
> This is despite the fact that I heard several horror stories about the fact
> that Ubuntu Hardy keeps hanging, and that it seems to be one of the worst
> Ubuntu versions in recent years.
> If the Ubuntu community is unable to effectively take responsiblity for their
> actions and do a serious soul-searching, then I fear (and hope) that people
> will flee out of Ubuntu like mice out of a sinking ship.
> At a time like this, I'm glad I stayed with Mandriva.
> Regards,
>        Shlomi Fish
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish
> Funny Anti-Terrorism Story -
> The bad thing about hardware is that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
> The good thing about software is that it's consistent: it always does not
> work, and it always does not work in exactly the same way.
> =================================================================
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