Ori Idan wrote:

‎‎‎There is a lot of activity done by "Negishut Israel" regarding this fact.
A news paper article was published few month ago about it.

I think that people should complain about it, if they get main complains about the fact they do not conform to web standards, they will eventually change. When you write a mail about it, please cc me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Later on when I approach them I can refer to these mails.
If I approach them regarding web standards, after they got complaints from as many people as possible, this may help me convince them.

As for banks, I know that most banks are working on it. Currently the only banks I know that support standards are Poalim and First International Bank. "Hayashir Harishon" (subsidiary of Leumi) said in a telphone conversation that they are aware of it and are working on it. in 2-3 month they plan to have a new site that will conform to standards. The fact that they said something about time frame, I think, means they are really doing it.
Actually, the current (recently revamped) Leumi site supports Firefox - I have no problem using it on Debian's IceWeasel 3.0.1.

Ori Idan
Manager W3C Israel office
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Arie Skliarouk <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    More than a year ago, I asked about health fund conformity to web
    standards (read working in Firefox).

    Leumit (as of today - 2008-07-30) is not conformant.

    Can members of other health funds comment on website status of theirs
    health fund? Namely, Meuhedet, Clalit and Maccabi?

    P.S. I still think the right way to influence the webmasters to do
    necessary changes is from within, so it is their boss (affected by
    leaving customers) that would push them to do the change.

    P.P.S. I think Discount's bank decision to support firefox is related
    to the fact that Hapoalim supported firefox and some people (including
    me) switched the bank just because of that.


    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Arie Skliarouk <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    Date: Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 10:39 PM
    Subject: Re: Leumit not working in Firefox


    Fortunately, health care clinics in Israel are doing whatever they can
    to retain peoples, especially the young and healthy ones. If we can
    wrap the "firefox requirement" into something like "the other health
    clinics _does_ allows clients to...", they would listen.

    So my questions are:

    What on-line services other clinics allow (in comparison to the
    Leumit site)?
    From which browser?


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