2008/7/31 Arie Skliarouk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> to retain peoples, especially the young and healthy ones. If we can
> wrap the "firefox requirement" into something like "the other health
> clinics _does_ allows clients to...", they would listen.

Firefox by itself might not look like enough of a market force to convince them.

Maybe a better terminology to look at are:
1. IE 6 being phased out (both for portability and security reasons) -
many sites which are designed for IE6 simply won't work even with IE7.
2. Mobile internet (iPhone, Nokia, Blackberry etc) is becoming more
available - and IE-only sites (and Flash or Silverlight, in the case
of iPhone) won't work there.
3. (partially derived from 2) - Is Apple making inroads in Israel as
much as it does in the rest of the world? They come with Safari.

Just a though...


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