Hi all,

On Thursday, 7/8, Hezelinux will hold it's second meeting.

Topic: "Linux Kernel Networking - the Routing Subsystem"

Lecturer: Rami Rosen

Where: Hi Tech College, Maskit 27, Herzelia Pituch.

Time: Thursday, 7/8, 18:30.

Note: this is a re-run of the lecture of the same name that ran In Haifux.


Herzelinux is a new Linux Linux user group. It's aim is to try to bridge the gap between professional Linux programmers working for Hi tech companies and the Linux Open Source community and bring them into the fold.

As such:

- The meeting topics will tend towards the advance technical stuff which is of interest to professional programmers.

- The meeting takes place in Herzelia Pituch (Maskit 27, In hi-tech college), a short walking distance from most of Silicon Wadi companies, to the pleasure of the lazy Hi Tech bums :-)

Other then that it's just yet anther LUG, like Haifux and Telux, whose format we're basically mimicking (read: most sincere form of flattery and so on...)

Needless to say, it's free, both in speech and in coffee (not very good coffee but it's provided for free by Hi tech College so we shouldn't complain) and you are all invited. In fact, I'd truly appreciate if you can spread the word and invite fellow programmers working on Linux which are not alpha Linux geeks.

For more details: http://tuxology.net/herzelinux

For facebook lovers - join our group on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Herzliya-Israel/Herzelinux/10832254949

See you there,


Gilad Ben-Yossef Chief Coffee Drinker

Codefidence Ltd.
The code is free, your time isn't.(TM)

Web:    http://codefidence.com
Office: +972-8-9316883 ext. 201
Fax:    +972-8-9316885
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