On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 12:16:04AM +0300, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 04, 2008 at 11:47:57PM +0300, Yedidyah Bar-David wrote:
>> I'd use this thread to raise another issue (although it might have been
>> nicer to start a new thread). This ECI 312+ is rather old - it's not
>> sold (or given) anymore, as far as I know. But it runs Linux inside, and
>> theoretically can do whatever you want - but as far as I could find out,
>> ECI does not help you in any way - does not provide sources for their
>> firmware, etc. Perhaps if enough people are interested (or at least
>> determined ones), we can make them open up the device and have it as a
>> nice young brother to the WRT54G (with only 2MB flash/8MB RAM). Would
>> anyone be interested?
> I don't think they would be interested. As you said it's rather old and
> you can't get/they can't sell more of them. If they were to open them
> up, it would create a demand for them again, and they probably have no
> way of fulfilling the demand, supplying spare parts or support for them,
> etc.

Actually, if you look around, you see that this modem/router is part of
a series of products, some of them a bit more featureful, and might be
still on the market (although I personally never saw one):
I have no technical specs for any of them, but they *might* share much
of the hardware, enough to have a single core software system +
additions specific to each model. If that's the case, and they open up
one of them, you get the software for all of them.

Also, one can try and have external organizations that do such things,
to help you politely ask them for it. After all, as far as I understand,
they must provide sources for at least all the GPL parts they used
(which include at least the kernel + busybox, it seems to me).

> As a cheap router, there are lots of them sold new in the 250 NIS range
> if you shop around, can any of them be opened up? Do any of them have
> a direct aDSL connection, or are they all ethernet on the WAN side?

I guess some of them have interesting features, I did not check. Some of
the models in the above mentioned page do.

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