>From the discussion below, I understand that Shachar and me use the same
definition of "visual selection".  You drag the mouse from column X to
column Y in the same row of the display, and get whatever text which
happens to be displayed between those columns (the text could have been
from different spans of the corresponding original text - "logical

Jonathan, can you clarify if you mean the same thing, or whether you
really meant "temporarily turn off BiDi ordering for a selected text
segment and display it"?

                                   --- Omer

On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 09:09 +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
> Jonathan Ben Avraham wrote:
> > Right, that's what the qualifier "in effect" means.
> >
> Visual selection, to me, means "selecting text from a continuous block 
> of visually ordered text". If the text is not visually ordered then the 
> selection cannot be considered "visual". I conceded that definitions may 
> vary.
> I agree with Omer that visual selection does not seem all that useful to 
> me. I am at a loss to think of what use to the end user a selection 
> containing the end of the Hebrew part of a sentence followed by the end 
> of the English part of the sentence is going to be. Same goes for the 
> beginnings of the sentences combined.

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