Whats wrong with location.href ?!

that is

location.href = 'JobView.aspx' + document.location.search + '&is_form=1';

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:05 AM, David Ronkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tried to click a button on some IE-oriented site with Mozilla, but got
> "Error: navigate is not defined Source File...".
> Here is the button code: <img width="158" height="48" border="0" style=""
> onclick="navigate('JobView.aspx' + document.location.search +
> '&amp;is_form=1')" src="img/Send_Cv.jpg"/>
> Can anyone point me on Add-on (hopefully exists one) to handle such a
> problem - i got few of them all the time?
> Thanks!
> David
> --
> בברכה,
> דוד רונקין


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