2008/10/31 David Ronkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> I tried to click a button on some IE-oriented site with Mozilla, but got
> "Error: navigate is not defined Source File...".
> Here is the button code: <img width="158" height="48" border="0" style=""
> onclick="navigate('JobView.aspx' + document.location.search +
> '&amp;is_form=1')" src="img/Send_Cv.jpg"/>
> Can anyone point me on Add-on (hopefully exists one) to handle such a
> problem - i got few of them all the time?

What website is that, David? You should write to the webmaster. If
people don't write and let him know that IE is not the only webbrowser
out there, then why should he code for all browsers?

Dotan Cohen



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