Firstly, thanks to Ohad, Dvir and Geoffrey for answering. 

Secondly, I see from all three answers that my question was mis-understood, so 
I'll re-phrase.

If I move from HOT to YES, I want to continue watching TV on the computer 
screen using a Linux friendly TV card. I'm referring to 3 cards for 3 
seperate computers (not 3 signals to be handled by 1 computer). I don't 
intend to do anything illegal (bypassing encryption) - I would have a 
YES "MEMIR" next to each computer and the TV card would be fed from 
the "MEMIR". Since my existing TV cards are analogue only (and include a 
tuner), I now plug them into the HOT antenna plug and they work 
out-of-the-box. But that's obviously not going to be the case with YES 
digital signals.

So to summarize, I'm looking for CHEAP, Linux friendy, YES friendly digital TV 
cards that can connect to the YES "MEMIR" and provide a TV signal on my Linux 

Tanks again

Shlomo Solomon
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