2010/1/18 geoffrey mendelson <geoffreymendel...@gmail.com>:
> On Jan 17, 2010, at 3:58 PM, sammy ominsky wrote:
>> On 17/01/2010, at 15:32, ik wrote:
>>> But for that you need to know when is the shabat enter a specific
>>> location,
>>> so you need extra program for it (even if it's pure bash), to calculate
>>> the
>>> exact time it started. I think that the berkley should have the exact
>>> time
>>> and date for each week for that.
>>> I agree that you can execute it like so, but it requires a bit more work
>>> then what you are pointing out imho.
>> Hebcal gives me the date and time for candle lighting and havdala like so:
>> sa...@zeraim:~$ hebcal -C jerusalem -cerm 42
>> 1.1.2010        Candle lighting:  4:06
>> 2.1.2010        Havdalah (42 min): 5:28
>> 8.1.2010        Candle lighting:  4:11
>> 9.1.2010        Havdalah (42 min): 5:34
>> (42 minutes for havdala, default is 72)
>> etc... for the whole year.  You can also get a specific date.  I haven't
>> yet figured out how to get it to give me "this week", but simple enough to
>> parse the date out of the output.
>> http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/Hebcal-10219.shtml
> Not quite in the same context but this works for me:
>        #!/usr/bin/perl
>        $today=`date -d "next friday" +"%m %d %Y"`;
>        #printf("%s\n",$today);
>        $candles = `hebcal -c -o -Z israel -C Jerusalem $today`;
>        printf("%s\n",$candles);
>        $tomorrow=`date --date="next saturday"  +"%m %d %Y"`;
>        #printf("%s\n",$tomorrow);
>        $havdala = `hebcal -c -o -m 38 -Z israel -C Jerusalem $tomorrow`;
>        printf("%s\n",$havdala);
> Geoff.

I don't know what the output looks like but to cover the last gap in
the chain - feed the time to a couple of "at" commands (not cron) to
set the flag using the commands Tsafrir showed earlier. You can even
pre-set the "at" queue for a full year if you like...:)


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