My experience is limited to whatever my CPA is using (I think he uses
Excel).  By experimenting with utf-8, cp862, iso_8859-8 and windows-1255
encodings, we found that windows-1255 worked for him.

If you find that Google Docs and Excel have contradictory expectations,
then I suggest that you allow people to export the CSV file in either
"Google Docs compatible" encoding or "Excel compatible" encoding.

                                           --- Omer

On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 00:02 +0300, Ori Idan wrote:
> I am trying to export a file in CSV format that some of it's columns
> are hebrew.
> I would like people to be able to import it to excel, open-office and
> google docs.
> In open-office I had no problem importing the file in any encoding I
> used, however I could not import it to google docs.
> Other people with excel reported they can not see the hebrew also.
> Does someone have any idea how to export the file so that the hebrew
> will be readable?

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