On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 10:23:34PM +0200, Ira Abramov wrote:
> Howdie folks.
> for years I would install qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin to give a client a
> nice robust virtual-domains web manager with mailing lists and all they
> needed, but today I discovered, that after 2-3 years of code freeze and
> maybe drop of users, courier imap seems has broken the option of
> authenticating with vpopmail, which means I have a wonderful virtual
> mail management and delivery system, but no pop3 and imapd to use it
> with. maybe it's time to ditch this kit and find another.
> option 1: courier MTA and SQWebmail - not so happy about it. I don't
> know the MTA, the message store is proprietary and limiting, no central
> management via web of the users (other than PHPMyAdmin, not friendly
> enough for my client.
> options 2: Zimbra. seams like a bit of an overkill but I'm told it
> works well, has postfix for an engine, and rumors say it supports
> virtual domains well (though I could not be sure from the confusing
> admin manual).
> Option 3: ? Donno... can you recommend?

I worked for several years with postfix+dovecot+postfixadmin. IIRC it
was mostly based on this howto:
which is pretty dated, but postfixadmin itself (and the underlying
tools, no doubt) is still maintained. It's pretty basic but working.

You might consider trying one of "virtual hosting" packages out there.
I then did and decided they were either too big or not mature enough
(or both) and went with postfixadmin which did a rather small part of
their common denominator but seemed mature. A partial list of the ones
I then looked at: ispconfig web-cp dtc ispman vhcs gnuhh ravencore.
Googling for most subsets of them will probably find others/reviews/etc.

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