On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 11:23, geoffrey mendelson
<geoffreymendel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It depends. I can't speak to it directly, my Hebrew level is such that a
> crayon would be enough, but my son who is in high school was told by the
> school to use Microsoft Office for Windows because there were capabilities
> that he needed that Open Office (for Windows) did not provide for Hebrew.
> I asked him about it, and he assured me that was the case. Granted he is a
> special student in a special school, but I am sure he is not unique.

Please let me know what these features are, so that we can file OOo /
LO bugs on them. You can call me, though I do not claim to _speak_
English as well as I write it:

> I do know from users on the various Macintosh groups that both Microsoft
> Office for the Mac (a stripped down version without good Hebrew support) and
> OpenOffice do not do a very good job of Hebrew formatting. Mac users have to
> buy "niche" packages which do, but they do not run on any other platform.

Hebrew Open Office has some bugs, but nothing terrible. So does MS
Office. I use OOo in Hebrew very often. Feel free to direct to me any
OOo users that have trouble.

Dotan Cohen


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