On Sun, Feb 05, 2012, Boaz Rymland wrote about "Re: Preparing to convince to 
shift to non-propriety documents formats":
> I bet it cannot read my teacher's  document!

Before you go and complain about some supposed facts, I think you should
verify that they are really correct facts. Is OpenOffice *really* unable
to read these files (usually it can)? Is Android really not able to read
it? If you import this document into Google Docs (or equivalently, get it
by mail to gmail), can't you preview it?

> a table full of oversized
> text, but mostly - toner/ink eating, useless, stupid^H^H^H^H^H images that
> never, and I mean never, really align in the needed cells but rather appear
> somewhere else in the document. That's true also on a recent M$ Word as
> well!

People doing ugly formatting and wasting ink isn't specific to Microsoft
Word :( Even if you get them to send you ODF or PDF, they can still send
you these ugly pieces of crap :(

My wife recently got a paper, in PDF format. It turns out it wasn't a normal
PDF as you might expect - someone scanned a photocopied printou,
and sent that as a PDF. The scan was up-side-down (!), and the photocopy
process turned out a large black ink-sucking margin around the page.
But hey, at least it was an open format :-)

Nadav Har'El                        |                     Sunday, Feb 5 2012, 
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Boat: A hole in the water surrounded by
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |wood into which one pours money.

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