On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 15:52, Micha <mi...@post.tau.ac.il> wrote:
> I can't seem to change page numbering (i.e suppress page numbering on
> some pages) or change head/footer format. One thing that microsoft does
> ok (but messes up a whole lot of others in return).

For this you need to define a custom header / footer for the page. Is
this easier / more intuitive in MS Office? How is it done there?

> Neither can do proper math if their life depended on it, or make it
> cross platform (openoffice can't handle microsoft equations and vice versa).

MS Office equations are not cross-platform. Actually, when importing
MSO >= 2007 into older MSO products, the equations are transformed
into images and are no longer editable either.

Dotan Cohen


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