On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 10:19:34PM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012, Avraham Rosenberg wrote about "Re: vim mappings for 
> Hebrew":
> > > " The above from Nadav, using printable characters
> > > map! <F12> <esc>:set invhk invrl<cr>a
> > > map  <F12>      :set invhk invrl<cr>
> I'm now using a slightly improved version:
>       map <F12> :set invrl invhk<cr>
>       map! <F12> <C-O>:set invrl invhk<cr>
>       cmap <F12> <C-_>
> For UTF-8, you also need
>       set aleph=1488
> And I also like this font
>       set gfn=Luxi\ Mono\ 15
> The only problem is that now that I've gotten used to the Lyx keyboard
> mapping, with shift-minus being the maqqaf, and other shifts giving me
> niqqud, I'm missing that also in vim... Anybody set up such a keymap?

Not directly related to your question, I personally gave up on Hebrew in
vim, and in any specific console application which is not developed for
this specifically, and in normal day work use a combination of 'xterm'
and 'mlterm' running the same screen (with '-x') session. So when I need
Hebrew I move to the mlterm window and when I miss the better feel of
xterm (selection is slightly better and some other things), or when I
need for some reason to see the non-bidi raw text, I go back to xterm.
Ugly but works. Also through ssh etc.

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