On 1/9/2014 3:08 PM, Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:
Thanks for your answer. When I posted a link to a matrix of all the current eink-based readers, I assumed it is obvious I want an e-ink based one. I'd think dedicated reader would be more energy/weight/price efficient than a general purpose tablet, but anything with e-ink will do! Also, as I had stated, I'm not interested in buying DRM books anyway...

Not really. You can buy an active display android tablet for about the same money. E-ink displays are more energy efficient, but slow. You end up hitting the next button before you finish a page in the hope that it starts to refresh before you get to the last word in the page and finishes as you do.

They also suck for displaying material that was originally color or scanned material. I have many books that were scanned and they are unreadable on an e-ink display,

E-ink was an idea which came and went.

I also found that battery life was exaggerated by the vendors, being a fast reader, I got about 6-8 hours of reading out of a charge. This was both on an original Kindle (with a new battery and cellular turned off) and an original nook with wifi turned off. They list some enormous number of "page flips" which does not mean a lot, your average paperback book needs 3-4 "flips" to cover one page of paper. An A4 page of 10 point type takes a lot of them.

As for DRM books, I figured that out, but they do drive the market. People are no longer satisfied with only one vendor and want the ability to buy them from many vendors which means a tablet, not a reader.

Just for the heck of it I looked up original iPads on Yad2. They go for about 600 NIS, which makes it not worth buying a dedicated reader, especially if you have to pay postage from the US and VAT.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson 4X1GM/N3OWJ
Jerusalem Israel.

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