We're not including XFree86 4.0 because it's not ready.
          It doesn't compile at all on sparc (we're currently working on
          fixing this), doesn't compile out of the box on alpha (we've
          already fixed that), doesn't have all the drivers 3.3.x used to
          have (fixing that is a LOT of work), it doesn't have a working
          configuration tool yet (XFree86 -configure is a start, but it
          won't let you configure international keyboards and such),
          and there are a bit too many bugs for a stable release even
          in the drivers that are there.

          In short, it's not even ready for Raw Hide.  I have put up
          RPMs at http://people.redhat.com/bero/experimental though,
          for those who have x86es and don't like waiting.

        -Arun (running XFree86 4.0)

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