IIRC and AFAIK, RH was planning to put XF4 in RH7. i
think RH6.2 will be a minor upgrade... does anyone
know if KDE2 is included in RH6.2, and what about efm?
Also, does anyone know when the next release of
Slackware's gonna be?


--- Arun Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           We're not including XFree86 4.0 because
> it's not ready.
>           It doesn't compile at all on sparc (we're
> currently working on
>           fixing this), doesn't compile out of the
> box on alpha (we've
>           already fixed that), doesn't have all the
> drivers 3.3.x used to
>           have (fixing that is a LOT of work), it
> doesn't have a working
>           configuration tool yet (XFree86 -configure
> is a start, but it
>           won't let you configure international
> keyboards and such),
>           and there are a bit too many bugs for a
> stable release even
>           in the drivers that are there.
>           In short, it's not even ready for Raw
> Hide.  I have put up
>           RPMs at
> http://people.redhat.com/bero/experimental though,
>           for those who have x86es and don't like
> waiting.
>       -Arun (running XFree86 4.0)
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