> Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 07:40:59 +0530
> From: Rohit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> Guess I am confused. Does LILO application binary code, which
> executes
> and may write to MBR or boot-sectors 'RESIDE' in the MBR or
> boot-sectors? Does it only write to those areas or does it also STAY
> there?
> Rohit

I suppose the program 'lilo' which you run after updating lilo.conf
should more accurately be called 'lilolo' - "lilo loader" :).

It basically uses the settings in lilo.conf to write the OS loader code
(the actual lilo) to the location (MBR/boot sect) you specifed . AFAIK,
it is not mandatory that it the OS loader should be in the MBR. It can
be in the boot sector of your / partition, or some other less obvious
places. Check the lilo docs. IIRC, there is an excellent explaination
of these concepts there.



Biju "Botsie" Chacko
"Have Fun, Have Fun, Have Fun" - Calvin

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