Hello all,

As according to PCQ, I've written scripts for DNS to use named.ca when
online and not use when offline. So when online, named has access to root
servers and not when offline.

Now the confusing part is when I see the /var/log/messages I see that when
online named starts and says

listening on [] in lo
listening on [] in ppp0

where the lower IP is my dynamic IP address.

Again as soon as I disconnect named restarts with new conf file and again it
is still listening on lo and ppp0. Why is this ? ppp0 is deactivated when I
disconnect but where is named getting my dynamic address from ? I  think
that's why I'm getting 'sysquery: findns error (NXDOMAIN) on
ns.pucampus.edu?'  error after I disconnect since there is no ppp0 active.

How do I correct this ? Above all, where is named getting my dynamic IP from
when I'm already offline and why is it still listening on ppp0? Is it normal



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