mukund wrote:
> "L.V.Gandhi" wrote:
> >
> > What is the difference between vgetty and mgetty. In mar 99 issue of PCq
> > regarding remote login, entry for inittab is given as
> > VI:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -s 115200 ttyS0
> > what for the 'VI' is given?
> > can vgetty can be used for mgetty. Though I downloaded and installed
> > vgetty there is no man or info. Can anybody explain the above?
> >
> The VI is just an identifier, you can put your initials LV also. mgetty
> covers dial in  shell/ppp connection, fax etc and for voice use vgetty.
> Unfortunately very little documentation is available for vgetty.

I agree with you regarding doc for vgetty. For kvoice to work with fax
and data
what needs to be done. I have only vgetty in inittab file. Fax and data
transfer don't work in my case. When I send fax it is stated it goes to
queue. But when I try to send from queue, no error msg comes. But fax is
not received in the other m/c. When I send fax from other m/c, other m/c
after dialing says no response. In the other m/c I hear the voice
response and then fax tone. After some time I get msg no response. What
to do?
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