>>>>> "rajput" == rajput g v be comp 56 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    rajput> hi, how to install packages and games from CD's on
    rajput> linux.do these software have to be linux - dependent.  on
    rajput> window's u just have to press install ,but what about
    rajput> linux???

Hi there,
On Linux, you just need to do rpm -i package.rpm and done.
And BTW if you are comfortable with *just click* and install, then I would
suggest this is time you went back to your windows and
do not compare everything on windows with Linux. OK!!!!!!!!

And on windows' you don't just press install, you have to press 'y' for the EULA,
then point to which directory and which programs folder and and then go for install.
On Linux, you don't need to do this !!!

And please do not compare anything on windows to Linux from now on !!

And one more thing is that you might be missing the blue screens if you are 
coming to linux ;-)

------------------------------------------------ @}-----------------
Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pub  1024D/3C6A199D 
sub  2048g/E3A76B00
Key fingerprint = 7F85 2C03 CA1F 5ABD F099  E8D3 392A 9A11 3C6A 199D
Debian 2.2.4 (potato)                       http://www.sidcarter.com

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